| Her Majesty Elizabeth, Queen of England, secretly
established in 1560, the second year of her reign, the
Arcane Service. The Service is composed of people,
usually but not solely of magical bent, who have sworn to
protect the realm from magical assault. The head of this
service is Dr. John Dee, the Queen’s Astrologer, and noted
He finds agents for his Service by listening to the advice
of the angels, who speak to him from a peculiar mirror he
has installed in his rooms, which he keeps covered in
cloth when not consulting it. He has a long, pointed
beard, and wears a skullcap over his thinning hair.
The player characters are assumed to be agents of Doctor
Dee. They are people passionately devoted to the welfare
of England, and of the Queen, and unafraid of dealing
with magical creatures and powerful workers of magic.
At times they may be performing political missions,
perhaps in other lands, perhaps in England. At other
times they will be defending the realm from magical
assault from foes domestic and foreign. They can function
as spies, as diplomats, as magical assault squads, and as
investigators - Doctor Dee is not picky about such
quibbling differences.
A Blood Games II game