In Harm's Way: Aces And Angels

by clash bowley

Click on the image to purchase PDF from Precis Intermedia

In Harm's Way: Aces And Angels

by clash bowley

Click on the image to purchase in Print from Lulu

In Harm's Way: Aces And Angels is a roleplaying game about being a fighter pilot during World War II. Aces And Angels is designed to emulate the feel of the historical aviation adventures of Tora Tora Tora, Black Sheep Squadron, Flying Leathernecks, and many others rather than the actual history. As such, it's heavy on the adventure and romance, and light on the details.

In Harm's Way: Aces And Angels uses the StarCluster 2.5 System, with some significant differences:

  • Play British, American, German, Japanese, Soviet, or Italian characters.
  • Play Army, Marine or Naval characters.
  • Troupe Play: Players play three characters, a Pilot Officer, a staff Officer, and a Ground Crewman.
  • Honor/Practicality Mechanic: Adds to your chance of success due to your reputation.
  • Interest and Notice: You have to accumulate Notice - the approval of your superiors - and add your Interest - your family's political clout - to advance in rank. You are born with Interest, but in order to get Notice, you have to burn with zeal and throw yourself headlong in harm's way.
  • Competitive Play: There can be only one Leader. One hero. Is it going to be you, or the guy sitting next to you?
  • Directed hots: You can take hits in your pilot armor, recieving damage yourself, in your tanks, losing fuel, or on your plane's frame, damaging your craft's ability to maneuver - or you can allocate it to your plane's general damage.
  • New Dogfighting system with 8 iconic fighters of the War on individual Dogfighting Sheets, and 57 more fighters in tabular form you can use to create your own dogfighting sheets. There are also many more attack aircraft - bombers, torpedo planes, recon planes, and transports - in tabular form.

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