In Harm's Way: Wild Blue

by clash bowley

Click on the image to purchase PDF from Precis Intermedia

In Harm's Way: Wild Blue

by clash bowley

Click on the image to purchase in Print from Lulu

In Harm's Way: Wild Blue is a roleplaying game about modern mercenaries, the world they live in, and the things they do.

In Harm's Way: Wild Blue uses the StarCluster 2.5 System, with some significant differences:

  • Play Fighter, Strike, Slick, or Gunship pilots, or SpecOps, Infantry, Armored, or Brown Water Navy characters.
  • Play characters with Army, Marine, Air Force, or Naval backgrounds from anywhere in the world.
  • Troupe Play: Players play several characters, each type representing one aspect of the Mercenary Company, as well as Staff Characters to run your Company.
  • Honor/Practicality Mechanic: Adds to your chance of success due to your reputation.
  • Notice: You have to accumulate Notice - the approval of your superiors - to advance in rank. In order to get Notice, you have to burn with zeal and throw yourself headlong in harm's way.
  • Competitive Play: There can be only one Leader. One hero. Is it going to be you, or the guy sitting next to you?
  • Create your own Mercenary Company and shape it to do the things you want to do.
  • Create Contracts for your Company, and negotiate for what you want and need.
  • Dogfighting system adapted to modern jets from the IHW:Aces In Spades and IHW:Aces And Angels games.
  • New Beyond Visual Range missile combat system.
  • Surface combat system for Riverine/Littoral boats and ground vehicles adapted from the Dogfighting rules.
  • Personality Traits give your character bonuses in various situations.
  • Professional Edges give your character bonuses in other situations.
  • Specialty Schools make your character ultra-skilled and competent at a young age.

In Harm's Way:Wild Blue Character and Vehicle Sheets for Download

Wild Blue Character Sheet

Wild Blue Character Sheet with White Background for less ink used in printing - includes Staff Character Sheet

Wild Blue Staff Character Sheet

Wild Blue Vehicle Control Sheet

Wild Blue Vehicle Control Sheet with White Background for less ink used in printing

Wild Blue Aircraft Control Sheet

Wild Blue Aircraft Control Sheet with White Background for less ink used in printing

Wild Blue Sample Adventure - Operation Kaboodle

Wild Blue Civilian character professions and training.

Surface to Air Missile Table for Wild Blue

Wild Blue Adventure in the Republic of Georgia and South Ossetia.

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